Advanced lightning warning for staff, officials, players and spectators. Used at events and stadiums of all sizes.
An L75, L75 “Tour” model, or L125 are used either in a permanent manner (installed at a stadium for example) or in a temporary manner for the duration of a particular sporting event. Mobile units can be installed in minutes using a simple tripod and securing method (sandbags for example).
ThorPCX software suite utilizing ThorWeb and ThorMobile for mobile users like a coach or official involved in making decisions on whether to play or not.
ABC TV, Meadowlands Giants Stadium, Charlotte Steeplechase, Bartlett Little League, National Little League, NCAA, Cleveland Browns, Jacksonville Jaguars, Greater Libertyville Soccer, Six Flags-St. Louis, Vail Associates, Camelback Ski Area, The Rosten Centre Hotel, Turning Stone Casino and Resort, Milwaukee Open Air Museum, 1996 Atlanta Olympics
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