Lake Blackshear Resort will soon have a new lightning detection system that could save lives in Georgia Veterans State Park and on the lake.
The Crisp County Sheriff’s Office and Georgia Department of Natural Resources partnered to get a grant from the Georgia Emergency Management Agency to cover the cost of the Thor Guard Lightning Detection system.
That system will be put up next to WALB News 10’s Alpha Cam at the Lake Blackshear Resort.
Once installed, a light and unique siren will signal when lightning is predicted to strike the area.
“This lake is visited by over 600,000 people a year, so we have the potential to reach a lot of people by putting in an early warning system for lightning,” said Crisp County Sheriff Billy Hancock.
People will be able to hear the siren up to half a mile from where it’s located at the resort.
The lightning detection siren will sound different than a thunderstorm warning siren.
Crisp County has the same system at its sports complex.
Meanwhile, National Lightning Safety Awareness Week starts Monday, and with it comes several safety reminders from the National Weather Service.
Keep in mind there is no safe place outside when thunderstorms are in the area.
If you can hear thunder, you’re in striking distance.
Just remember, “when thunder roars, go indoors.”
While inside, make sure you stay off any electronics that have a direct connection to electricity.
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